

"MCS has changed me in many ways. Especially when it comes to “Cleaning” how very little I know about the “Right” way of cleaning. What chemicals to use & how and when to use them. The staff is very professional, informative and friendly. They make you feel so welcome. I am very pleased and blessed to be a part of this service, which provided me with resources I was never aware of. In which has landed me a very nice contract with UWM. I highly praise this program & wish there was others like it. My hat goes off to MCS."

Kendrick Ivory

"My name is Mikia I became involved with Roder, Inc. Because I was using alcohol to try to forget what’s important in life. The same day I was driving I heard about the program in drive by. I felt my life change. I learned so much and I always tell everybody about this program. I’m the first in line and I feel like I can do everything and anything. I hope this program keeps going and continue for the people who need it. They have the best staff ever. I’m so proud to say that I completed this course I just want to say thank you to everybody who put this program together."

Mikia Desauguste

"I learned about this program on the radio riding to work one morning on 98.3 at 5:30a.m. I took down the number and said I’m going to call these people and see what this program is about because this is the kind of opportunity I’ve been looking for. I gave them a call after my last drop off at the daycare, they had me to come in a meet with a rep & and a few people that helped me get into the program. As I came into the program with Roder, inc. not expecting that this program was going to be this great of an experience. This program has taught me a great deal about carpentry/painting and dry walling. I got into this business to run my own company to start an outreach program for young people, to try to bring back some structure to the community."

Eddie Dotstry

"I was informed about Roder, Inc., through my father. He gave me a flyer and I called the very next day and I was approved. I felt comfortable when I came into the program. I liked everything about the program the hands on and the terminology. Before I came here, I didn’t or couldn’t tell you what a floor joist was or anything else. So it was a good challenge for myself, so I say to out comers, do the course and change your future!"

Quentin Patterson

"I became involved with Roder, Inc/MCS & the EUT120 through welfare. I was offered the opportunity to participate in the floor care training program. When I finished the program I was given my certificates and I started looking for jobs. I received a call for an interview with WW Waukesha. Well needless to say I got the job and still currently here 4 years strong. So yes! I will encourage others and tell them about this program. So thanks very much again to you all."

Elvis Johnson

"I became aware of the program with Roder, Inc. listening to radio station 98.3. The program sounded like a great opportunity to learn more about a trade I was already familiar with. So I went to enroll in the PDC-240 course. I was pleased with the instructor and what he could teach me. I completed the six week course and learned a lot. I would like to thank Mr. Danny for being so valuable in my learning experience while being his student."

Madison Wilson

"I became involved with Roder, Inc. through hardship & trying for a better way in life. I was just being released from the federal prison 8 months earlier trying not to return. I took the course in carpentry, painting and dry walling and hope to be employed in a trade they were teaching & gave me a new outlook on life. I thank them & encourage any person who wants a chance to take this course."

Derek Allen

"Hi my name is Robert Doss; I started my own business in home improvement however I need to understand the trade as well. My brother gave me a flyer about the class at Roder, Inc. job training program; it was just what I needed. My teacher is right on top he takes his time to make sure that you get a clear understanding. I know feel like I will get pass challenges successfully. I feel that people will be proud to have me complete any work that may have.
I would like to thank everybody with Roder, Inc. I will make the best of this opportunity."

Robert Doss

"My experience with the class was awesome I have learned that I can do anything if I set my mind to it, and my instructor was great he explained where I can understand the material. I like the hands on it made it easy and more interesting. Pat you’re great and I can tell you like what you do helping people get out the raff and letting them know it’s a lot of opportunities and money out there for all who want it. Pat I’m glad that I stopped in and I brought someone else. I saw how excited they were so I sign up for it myself and when I met you I knew it would change my life and thanks to you I did."

Cynthia Hargon

"Well I became involved with Roder Inc. When I heard it on the radio the company offered a variety of course such as painting, drywall, carpentry, floor care ect… When I came into the class room to my surprise I knew Mr. Roder very well and we talked and I told him I was doing some work in my basement I was given a lot of helpful information regarding the work I was doing, it actually helped my job go a lot faster and easier. Danny my instructor was so knowledgeable with his course! He helped me get the job done right!" “Thanks Danny &Mr. Roder”

George Anderson

"MCS has changed me in many ways especially when it comes to “cleaning” how very little I knew about the “right way of cleaning”. What chemicals to use &how and when to use them. The staff was very professional, informative and friendly. They make you feel so welcome. I am very pleased and blessed to be a part of this service, which provided me with resources I was never aware of. In which has landed me a very nice contract with UWM. I highly praise this program & wish there was others like it. My hat goes off to MCS."

James White

"I would like to thank MCS/CCT-120 program. Also Wiser for helping me with funds as well for helping me understand and use janitorial knowledge in my home as well as daily. It will teach me in the long run how to clean in a safer environment that is healthier for us all to breathe in. This is a wonderful service to attend I will tell others about. The staff is positive people that want others to be successful in having a career. I needed the knowledge and the understanding from this program and now I know more than I thought I did. So now I can use all skills in which I have learned into a great job position."

Jasmine Luckett

"I was told about Roder INC. By a cousin who at the time was attending the course after going over it with myself. I thought it would be very smart to enroll. My first few days was a challenge, But I kept telling myself not to quit something that I have already started. Through the six weeks of the course it has helped me greatly and it refreshed my mind and let me know that anything is possible. This has been nothing but a positive experience for me. I am thankful to Roder INC for having and teaching me."

Bashion Luster

"I have enjoyed the PDC-240 class; it has been a great opportunity. Our instructor is very knowledgeable of the trade and teaches professionalism on the work site. This class presents the opportunity to gain information and the skills needed to secure employment in carpentry. I would recommend this class to anyone who is looking for more than just job stability and a paycheck. This course is an open door to a career. Some of the participants already have a background in carpentry and have still found this course to be helpful. Completion of this class is your step to success."

Henry Scott, Jr.

"Before attending the painting and dry walling classes, I had absolutely no understanding of home repair, but after the first week so much information was given. The way the instructor presented the information allowed me to visualize the concepts he taught which lead to an easier understanding. I have become very fluent in building terminology. I’m able to perform repairs on my own home which saves me and my family a lot of money. As far as employment; this class has widened my job outlook greatly. I am no longer stressed with finding a job that would end within six months. I take a comfort in knowing that after this class I’ll have a career. My current job has expressed on incentives for getting this certification. Which I may not have to look for employment in the next five months. All in all this has been the best experience of my life and by far one of the best most rewarding."

Rodreigus Raymond

"I first started the pdc course 1/14/13 with intentions of getting certified in carpentry and painting. I heard about the course through a friend, but I had no idea of all the great knowledge I would gain through the course. I’ve learned so much in the field of carpentry, painting, and dry walling. I had some previous experience, but I’ve come to see that there is plenty that I was missing out too. I give my upmost respect and total appreciation to Mr. Danny for being such a great teacher as well as a great friend. I hope and push hard towards success and I would love to display so of the new skills I have gained from this course."

Walter Harris

"I became involved with PDC-240 course through a family member who told me that it would be something that fits my interest and the programs offered. Besides, I was not doing anything with myself at the time so I decided to give it a chance without second guessing. The first time I appeared at the facility I was greeted with a warm welcome as if I had been there before. I signed up and was approved to start the PDC-240 course the following week. Once the time came around for me to start the course, I immediately bonded with my instructor on the first day with great understanding of what I was to learn in the course and what I wanted at the end of the course. My time in the course was great and interesting. It was a one-of-a-kind experience and I learned a lot. I would like to say thank all who was involved in helping me succeed at receiving my certificates."

Kendrick Harris